Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Our House.

Let's take a moment to explore our cosmos as a system. We can imagine our earth as a big round house surrounded by windows giving us a perfect view of the endless sky. This house has many rooms, containing every kind of animal, plant and person we have ever, or will ever know. If at night time we peer outside one of the many windows, we notice that we observe a whole neighborhood of houses. We "appear" to be residing next to several abandoned houses. The abandoned houses do not have any lights on or any activities we can readily observe. In fact, we "appear" to be the only people living in the neighborhood, a neighborhood we call our solar system. As we turn our pair of high-resolution binoculars out into the surrounding neighborhoods (the suburb our neighborhood resides in) we find more seemingly empty houses. That suburb we refer to as an outer spiral arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. Beyond the suburbs we can view the entire city, The Milky Way Galaxy. That city is in turn part of a county, (galaxy cluster) the county is part of a state, (galaxy super cluster) the state is part of a nation, (universe) the nation is part of a continent, (multiverse) and the continents make up the entire planet (omniverse.)

House = Earth
Neighborhood = Solar System
Community/Suburb = Galaxy Spiral Arm
City = Galaxy
County = Galaxy Cluster
State = Galaxy Supercluster
Nation = Universe
Continent = Multiverse
Planet = Omniverse

Monday, December 15, 2008

Planck Time

Planck scale time is said to be equal to: 5.39121 × 10−44 seconds, which clearly puts it in the realm of Quantum Mechanics. This minute amount of time is so small that we have no frame of reference to compare it to. Planck time scale is also said to be the rate of time by which the universe recreates itself "moment by moment." (Please see Rob Bryanton's blog for more on this concept-"Imagining the Tenth Dimension." The 'vlogs' video blogs on the "Imagining the Tenth Dimension" site do an excellent job explaining many concepts discussed here as well as on his own site.) So if we are to understand the finer concepts of MWI as well as Quantum Mechanics, Planck scale and its temporal equivalent are important concepts to grasp. Planck scale is usually used in reference to length. Planck mass is also used to measure objects and processes which work within this minute scale.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

CERN update! LHC Back up by Summer '09

CERN "We have a lot of work to do over the coming months," said LHC project Leader Lyn Evans, "but we now have the roadmap, the time and the competence necessary to be ready for physics by summer. We are currently in a scheduled annual shutdown until May, so we're hopeful that not too much time will be lost...The top priority for CERN today is to provide collision data for the experiments as soon as reasonably possible," said CERN Director General Robert Aymar. "This will be in the summer of 2009...The initial malfunction was caused by a faulty electrical connection between two of the accelerator's magnets. This resulted in mechanical damage and release of helium from the magnet cold mass into the tunnel. Proper safety procedures were in force, the safety systems performed as expected, and no one was put at risk." (From CERN press release given on 12/05/08.)


Back To The Chalkboard (Initial Conditions I.)

We don't actually know the Initial Conditions of our own universe' creation, just thought I'd throw that out there. - And this is an important concession to make if we are to explore in earnest the universe around us. It is less important what we think, what other scientists or researchers think, more important what underlying patterns and the world around us has to say.

Monday, December 8, 2008

5 BIG Questions to be Re-Asked!

Mind, Matter and Energy are what I would consider to be the three jewels of MMT. What can you think of that is not composed of at least one of these three elements. Sound and light are forms of vibrational energy. Space-time has been assumed to be forged within the higher dimensions (possibly the 10th-see Rob Bryanton's "Imagining The Tenth Dimension" for more on this subject) from the elements of matter and energy. Modern physics would have you believe that the universe is finite in space as well as time. It points to red-shift data (this form of analysis measures light from both nearby and distant stars to estimate distance and time relative to earth,) and declares that the universe is a mere 12 to 14 billion years old, with our solar system being only 4.5 billion years old. I find it interesting that the point furthest from earth (as currently observed by our telescopes) is considered the end of space-time and the beginning of our universe. I also find it odd that scientists believe that the universe is expanding, when it is clear that data is inconclusive in this matter. In fact, there is significant data that disproves this theory of an expanding universe all together. There have been documented observations of stars which appeared clearly within the "red," which are now moving "blue." This would indicate that the stars are not moving away from us, but around and through us. Picture an ocean of spiraling galaxy super clusters, within which lie swirling galaxy clusters, galaxies and within them solar systems, planets, beings, cells, atoms, subatomic particles and so on, into infinity. The spectrum may have no end in sight, either way out on the scale. This view is much more consistent with what we see in nature already. Fractal geometry and chaos theory both support a much more complex view of the universe than is currently accepted. It would seem pretentious of us to assume that we lie within the center of the universe, and yet this theory is common today amongst astronomers and physicists. Would it not be more logical to assume that our ability to observe the heavens is (as of yet) unable to find the end of our known universe? Would it not also be more prudent to advise students that we actually do not know if the universe began with a Big Bang, when the universe began, or even if the universe is finite or infinite in both space and time? These questions are no longer being asked, and THEY SHOULD BE!!! It is much more logical to question if the universe had a beginning at all, than to assume that it emerged out of a giant explosion of "absolutely nothing" or even an explosion of "pure energy." What is "pure energy" anyway?
Again here are the BIG questions we all need to re-ask:
1.) What makes up the universe we live in?
2.) How was our universe created/born?
3.) When was our universe born?
4.) Was our universe and all others always in existence?
5.) How large is our universe? Is it finite or infinite?
We need to keep nature in perspective when we ask these questions, what do we see in smaller systems, like eco-spheres?

"...As above, so below..." -Annonymous

Sunday, December 7, 2008

The Meaning Of Life.

Every thought, every dream, every single thing that you are conscious of is both contributed to and shared by other versions of yourself. Each version (whether they are aware of MMT or not) instinctively believes that they are alone, that their thoughts are their own, that the dreams they dream at night are their own. It is an illusion that is needed, as we progress through our life. We live our everyday lives with some degree of identity, we identify with ourself as an individual, as unique and somehow different from all other beings. There is some truth in this illusion (as there is with all illusions) that there are none just exactly like ourself, only others so very like us that we may never know what the differences are. It is hard to allow this perspective much application because our world demands a certain degree of individuality, and because the starkness of our physical world does not readily reveal the true nature of ourselves. The psychology of today is not ready for a world view that seeks to integrate all consciousness or even all versions of oneself. The science of today views the universe and all existence as finite, composed of matter and energy. MMT views the universe and all existence to be composed of three unique and omniversal elements; matter, energy and consciousness. This last element is lacking within the theories of modern physics, so it does not understand the true identity or significance of the observer. Modern Quantum Physics is on the very verge of realizing that the observer is the reason that the universe exists as it does. If you remove energy then the equation collapses, if you remove matter then the equation collapses, and if you remove "mind" then the equation collapses. These sacred three elements are the very reason we exist, they are in essence, the meaning of life!

A Night In The Life... An Introduction to MMT continued

As we explore MMT (Many Minds Theory) more we find that the ties should not stop short of the entire consciousness of every living being. In some sense we are all one. Together we compose a rich tapestry interwoven with the fibers that are the lives of every being that has ever lived or will ever live. On this level the illusion of separateness has vanished and the whole that remains is all inclusive. We could call this aspect of MMT the "unity perspective." But there remains within this expansive view of self a perspective that takes into account the individual as a group. Each being has an innumerable amount of versions of themselves living within other parallel universes. I hesitate to call these versions of beings "twins" because they should be both more similar and more different than what actual twins should be. The relationship should be more like subtle hues of color. Some versions should be so identical that they could be swapped into each others universe without any real hope of detection, even by themselves. Other versions could be so different that they might even appear as distant relatives. In this way versions could appear more different than they actually are. At their core lies the same mind, that same consciousness. What pair of actual twins, even as they appear identical, could ever truly share the other's mind? So it is that I say that they should be more similar and more different than what twins should be to one another. Consider also that some versions should be relatively younger, others older, some in the moment of being conceived, some in the process of dying. There is not just everywhere, but everywhen to consider once we explore the omniverse as it should exist. Think how much one could gain by talking with an elder that is not just a relative , but a version of yourself. Each version could provide a unique perspective as they shared thoughts, feelings and memories with the others. MMT views the "whole" self, the integrated self, as an interconnected being, composed of an almost infinite number of versions, many of which might never know that they are part of a larger "whole." This larger mind or soul would well be aware of its condition, and of the many versions lives. This soul should be a very complex being, as it lives with the experience the intimate knowledge of all the: toils, troubles, sadness, joy, excitements of the individual selves. It would truly know the agony and the ecstasy of every single version's life as it happened, and all at once. This bitter-sweet symphony would unfold seemingly without end. The questions would remain. How many versions are there? How many have there been? How many will there be? It might be comforting to know that there were just so many, that the life might end. To the larger "mind" it would not end, to the individual mind it might seem that way. I think it all boils down to perspective and memory. If one had the perspective of the "whole" and a perfect memory, one would be aware of one's immortality. But the memory fades, and the complete perspective is limited to the portion of ourselves that can contain it. Consider all the events, emotions and energies of the "whole." What being do you know that can contain that sort of energy, can withstand that sort of emotion, or that can maintain it s sanity while such a torrent of woes besets it? That portion of the self, the "whole," must too belong to all other "wholes" as a collective being, just as we belong to it. That even larger portion could be seen as God, the sum of all wisdom, all consciousness and all power. This view seeks to provide a new paradigm for our growing world, one that includes all and excludes none. It seeks to bring all life together in omniversal harmony, keeping the truth that all life is present within each being. Each being is both a distinct sovereign and a community unto itself, as well as a member of a larger community of all life across the omniverse.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Quantum Ethics II. (The Metta Sutra) From The Buddha.

The Metta Sutra (passage taken from the Pali text, of The Buddha)

"This is the work for those who are skilled and peaceful, who seek the good:

May they be able and upright, straightforward, of gentle speech and not proud.
May they be content and easily supported, unburdened with their senses calmed.
May they be wise, not arrogant and without desire for the possessions of others.
May they do nothing mean or that the wise would reprove.
May all beings be happy.
May they live in safety and joy.
All living beings, whether weak or strong, tall, stout, medium or short, seen or unseen,
near or distant, born or to be born, may they all be happy.
Let no one deceive another or despise any being in any state,
let none by anger or hatred wish harm to another.
As a mother watches over her child, willing to risk her own life to protect her only child,
so with a boundless heart should one cherish all living beings,
suffusing the whole world with unobstructed loving-kindness.

Standing or walking, sitting or lying down, during all one's waking hours,
may one remain mindful of this heart and this way of living that is the best in the world.
Unattached to speculations, views and sense desires, with clear vision,
such a person will never be reborn in the cycles of suffering."

I belong to a local meditation group, at the close of every session the following passage is read:

"May the merit of our practice be shared with all beings, in all worlds, in all directions,
May all beings be at peace,
May all beings be free from suffering,
May all beings be free from harm,
May all beings be free from fear,
May all beings be happy,
And may all beings awaken."

(This a great little prayer or mantra, taken largely from the Metta Sutra above.)

If you will notice that the second passage in blue makes no specific designations as to who the prayer is directed to, or from. This is done to bring one a sense of unity with all beings that exist, will exist or have existed in the past, it is all-inclusive, excluding none. There is a great amount of wisdom to be gained from this perspective, and if applied, it slowly but steadily begins to change one's behavior toward both oneself and all others. If one is to evolve into the kind of being by which that greatest possible perspective and life is gained, a new and radical form of ethics must be practiced, if not perfected.

Friday, November 28, 2008

The Life Extraordinary

Have you ever noticed how easily we switch between our everyday reality and dreaming, daydreaming, fantasy or introspective thought? I find this very interesting. It seems as if humans were set up to experience two separate kinds of reality. The everyday reality we share (in varying degrees of coherence) with others here in our world, holds a special focus within our minds and within our society. The second portion of conscious experience seems to appear only as an afterthought, a jumbled pile of loose fragmentary thoughts, emotions and experiences. This "mess" is hardly given its due attention, even by the most enlightened of persons. This is probably due to the fright factor involved with the unconscious mind and its many mysterious processes. Nobody likes exploring their our unconscious it seems. It's dark, dank and down-right scary! We miss out on so much knowledge this way, so much hidden from the everyday world. Dreams have the ability to bridge the gap between the gulf, that abyss of madness and chaos we all fear within our own bewildered souls and that rational mind and everyday world we try so hard to perfect and cultivate. It is only after much thought and great mental efforts that I have arrived at this conclusion: If we are to succeed in actualizing the self, perfecting the mind, purifying the soul, it will be through the use of dreams, the all powerful vehicle of the soul. So it is that I urge you to explore your dreams, for you may find, as I have, that you are not so much "seeing" as you are "doing," you are experiencing the life extraordinary!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Infinity into Infinity

How does one understand in a functional way the concept of infinity. A friend and I have discussed this at great length. Its not an easy question to answer! One must leave classical mathematics behind, along with newtonian physics. Infinity can only be found in the land of zero. Where 0 - 0 = 0, 0 + 0 = 0, 0 x 0 = 0, 0 / 0 = 0, this is an almost useless bit of mathematical jargon here in our realm. But it means more than one might assume. Zero means more than "nothing" it also means "everything" and it also means "infinity." Infinity fits into infinity! Thus you can have an infinite number of worlds within an infinite omniverse. You could even have an infinite number of "twin universes" within an infinite omniverse. Think about that last comment for a moment... it's not possible by our logic is it??? It's possible because another form of logic controls that side of the mirror, so to speak. We live on one side, and we understand as a "flatlander" would. We know in part. But we are just smart enough to know that what we are observing hints at something much much greater. Understanding this, is key in digesting the greater concepts of MWI and MMT.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Quantum Ethics I.

So what paths should ethics take along this new and treacherous road of Quantum Age?

I would like to introduce a odd little quote from quasi-occult literature attributed to Al Hazred "The Mad Arab." "Nothing is real, and everything is permissible." (It is likely that the quote actually originated from the works of H.P. Lovecraft or even Robert Howard or Robert Bloch, all three are writers that delved into the Cthulhu Mythos and its related legends. As for Al Hazred, he probably never existed.) The quote is quite profound! Think about its first half: "Nothing is real..." This section strikes a chord in both Sufi scripture and Zen literature. The second half alludes to the paradox of existence, everything is real and everything is an illusion. "...Everything is permissible." This paradoxical quote asks us to view the very construct of our reality with the element of illusion as a central theme. It also inadvertently mentions a concept I mentioned earlier, that being the loss of the traditional "free-will" as one takes in the MWI concept. [If everything is permissible and everything that can happen will happen, and everything can happen, then one is forced to play out all possible actions and all possible sets of corresponding conditions.] Free will is then a concept that is just as real as one's perspective, as soon as one's perspective grows beyond the individual observer, the illusion is gone. From the perspective a completely integrated self (one could call this a soul, universal mind...etc) free will might mean very little, to an individual self, it would be a key element in their life, providing them with the construct to understand their own decisions. So does this mean that the epicureans had it right? Do whatever feels good? Or maybe La Vey had it right with his infamous "And if it harm none, do as thou wilt." I would have to say that I disagree with all of these slogans. It is my belief that we have an obligation to uphold the higher "good," whatever that may be. I feel that it is even more important to consider the concept of "others" other people, other things, other systems, other worlds, other consciousnesses and to include this larger spectrum of being into our personal concept of morality. As the song says, "It's not enough just to stand and stare..." ('On The Turning Away'-Pink Floyd.) Where this path leads is closer to Jainism, Buddhist or even the Hindu; Ahimsa, than the carefree viewpoints so common and popular today. It is easy to overlook that which you do not understand, and even easier to overlook that which you do not believe exists. The key is expanding your perspective! That is the primary goal of this blog, to expand my own and other's perspectives. I feel it especially relevant in the age we currently live, for we are standing on the absolute edge of the Quantum Age. This coming age will make the massive progress of the Industrial Revolution pale in comparison. In fact by all estimates, the Quantum age will be the single largest progressive era mankind has ever or will ever see. A new paradigm is desperately needed, if we are to remain productive and viable in such a new and brave frontier.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

A Day In The Life... An Introduction to MMT

This is going to be a multi-part series of posts. Please read the previous post, "On The Turning Away"... as it relates heavily to the content and concepts discussed in this post. I would like to introduce a new (at least for this blog) concept. That concept which I will simply refer to as MMT (many minds theory) is related to the MWI concept of Quantum mechanics. MWI basically states that there are an infinite number of parallel universes "versions" of our own and other universes. In such a system there should be an infinite number or at least a very large number of "versions" of yourself. Scientists estimate that there are somewhere between 10-100 trillion cells in the human body (we don't actually know the average number of cells for a human body yet.) Imagine if there were even 100 trillion versions of yourself, thats a lot of you!

Now here's were MMT comes in. Imagine that each one of these versions of yourself has there own finite body, and brain as well as a life that is similar but not the same as your own. Indeed their thought patterns and behaviors would most likely resemble your own, with the occasional variation. If you could meet with anyone in the Omniverse, you would find these people to be the closest match to an exact duplicate of yourself. Talking with a version of yourself would seem effortless, most likely enjoyable, and yet thought provoking. Each version would be able to share unique events, ideas, lessons and perspectives, in such a way that the other would instinctively understand and relate to. These versions could provide each other with an almost limitless flow of advice for self-improvement and life enriching knowledge, as well as unique memories the other had never experienced. Imagine finding out how going to a different university turned out, taking that other path, marrying a different spouse, having kids, not having kids, having grandkids, choosing a different religion, lifestyle, an the list goes on... there would be many things similar, some exactly the same, many different about your "other-self." Some people would choose to identify with their counterparts directly as "them self" others would feel insecure and have to put some space between them and their "other-self" perhaps identifying them as a brother/sister, twin or some other label.

For myself the choice would be clear, I would have to identify directly with the "others" as myself, other versions of myself, at least mentally. Behavior would most likely be something similar to standing in front of an identical twin you never met before, and finding that they share your thoughts , feelings, and behavior patterns far more than they probably should. It might seem a bit scary at first, especially if they are very close to your same world-line (say... only < 2% different, overall.)

Is it possible that these versions could converse, meet, and share (on some level) while completely unaware? I believe that this is a distinct possibility. The validity of MMT is its connection to everyday reality as we experience it right now. I believe that dreaming and certain cognitive functions and features provide us with clues as to how MWI and MMT affect us all, every single day. I have mentioned previously that human cognition is a strange and wonderful phenomenon. I believe that the reason why human cognition is as complex and chaotic as it is, is because it not only involves a complex, yet finite physical element (the brain), but also an infinite element. This infinite element is (I believe) a conglomerate of consciousness, a society of mind, produced by all the versions of yourself within the Omniverse. What better explanation do we have for the endless creativity, the boundless capacity of random, chaotic thoughts and the strange "other worldly" images/scenes that we all experience while dreaming? I will elaborate much more on dreaming in my next post... there is SO much more I have to say about it.

So my big tie in to "On The Turning Away" -Read or better yet Listen to sections 1 and 3. Communication is taking place between ourselves and so many others, how can we turn away from so many others? How can we turn away from ourselves? (Okay, thats my deep creepy thought for today)

"On The Turning Away" (Pink Floyd, from "A Momentary Lapse Of Reason," 1987.

On the turning away
From the pale and downtrodden
And the words they say
Which we won't understand
"Don't accept that what's happening
Is just a case of others' suffering
Or you'll find that you're joining in
The turning away"

It's a sin that somehow
Light is changing to shadow
And casting it's shroud
Over all we have known
Unaware how the ranks have grown
Driven on by a heart of stone
We could find that we're all alone
In the dream of the proud

On the wings of the night
As the daytime is stirring
Where the speechless unite
In a silent accord
Using words you will find are strange
And mesmerized as they light the flame
Feel the new wind of change
On the wings of the night

No more turning away
From the weak and the weary
No more turning away
From the coldness inside
Just a world that we all must share
It's not enough just to stand and stare
Is it only a dream that there'll be
No more turning away?
-Pink Floyd

Monday, November 17, 2008

MWI diagram

You may recall that the "Omniverse" is the term given to the largest concept in MWI Cosmology. It is an all encompassing place, containing all possible multiverses, universes, galaxy clusters, galaxies, solar systems, worlds (planets, planetoids, plutoids, asteroids, comets, space-stations, space ships and ring-worlds.) The term "world" is really an over-used word, but it holds significance with most readers (myself included.) The Omniverse is infinite in space, stretching out into infinity in all directions and times. It contains all that exists and all that does not exist, simultaneously. There is however only ONE Omniverse! how can there be more than one "all encompassing" everything? The colored portions of the diagram represent those portions which are limited in size but not in number. There should be an infinite number of multiverses, universes, etc... on down to worlds, beings, events, thoughts... you get the picture. Each portion contains one side of the same coin, so to speak. One is infinite in size, but finite in number, the other is just the complimentary, infinite in number, but finite in size. One might imagine that the colored portion is a single drop of water, and the black portion is an endless sea.

Given this diagram, or any other cosmological diagram:

1. Where are we located?
2. When are we located?
3. What are we?
4. Why are we?

Just some fun questions to play with (especially as they relate to MWI, the above diagram)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

"Another World" -Brian May, 1998.

"Another World" the title track from "Another World" Brian May, 1998.

"In another world,

Under another sky,
I see another story waiting to be told,
And another you,
Wakes up with another me,
For that's the way we've come to be,
In another world.

In a different place,
Way across time and space,
A door is open wide,
Drawn to a different light,
Maybe we'll step inside.

In another world,
We can show we care,
You can be sure I'm waiting there,
In another world.

Oooh yeah,
When the dies were cast,
They laid a crazy path,
We follow to our graves,
But I know in a different world,
We journey a different way.

So we live,
But life isn't what it seems,
We're only living in our dreams,
In another world.

You can believe I'll meet you here
In another world."
- Brian May

I heard this song back in '98 when it was released, just didn't know what to call the whole "another world" concept yet. It has helped inspire me to further explore MWI and Parallel Universe theory. Brian, (or should I say Dr. May) as always, you are way ahead of the times!

"...world without end..."

<--The Flammerion Woodcut
As posted in Wikipedia and other online blogs, I have noticed a disturbing trend. This trend is to re-impose a finite nature upon an infinite cosmos (or rather omniverse.) SO, you might say that this is my opinion, and you would be right, to some degree. It has been the wisdom of the ages that has taught us that the world is finite, but the heavens are infinite. Ancient Greek astronomers theorized that the heavens had no bounds, the Egyptians and Sumerians concurred. Anaxagorus an early Greek cosmologist believed in a universe without end, filled with all manner of strange and wonderful objects. Logic dictates that there cannot be an "End" to that which exists. Today physicists point to a finite, (possibly expanding) universe but a they are quick to point out that it may exist within a sea of other universes (what we now refer to as the "omniverse.") Like the ancient question of the spear thrower, where would the end fall, that there would not be some other outside point, reachable just beyond that space?

"And so I'll follow on, and whereso'er thou set the extreme coasts, I'll query, "what becomes thereafter of thy spear?" 'Twill come to pass that nowhere can a world's-end be, and that the chance for further ight prolongs forever the flight itself." Lucretius (98?-55? BC), De Rerum Natura

"There are innumerable worlds of different sizes. In some there is neither sun nor moon, in others they are larger than in ours and others have more than one. These worlds are at irregular distances, more in one direction and less in another, and some are flourishing, others declining. Here they come into being, there they die, and they are destroyed by collision with one another. Some of the worlds have no animal or vegetable life nor any water."
Democritus according to Hippolytus, Refutation of the Heresies I 13 2, in Diels and Kranz, Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker, vol. 2, section 68 A 40, p. 94. Translation from Guthrie, A History of Greek Philosophy, vol. 2, p. 405.

I would challenge anyone of sufficient mind, put yourself to the task, where is the logic (given the universe and the world around us) for a finite bubble of a universe floating in absolutely nothing in all directions, ad infinitum? Do we not see that this kind of thinking has no more value than a flat earth with its orbiting sun and stars? Everywhere and every time that we search (what appears to be an empty-space in our sky,) we find staring back an endless sea of stars, teeming no doubt with all manner of strange entities and objects.

"To consider the Earth as the only populated world in infinite space is as absurd as to assert that in an entire field of millet, only one grain will grow." -Metrodorus of Chios

Well, maybe after all the space outside of the universe is filled with Wal-Mart bags, chunks of loose Styrofoam and packing peanuts, courtesy of FedEx.

Monday, November 10, 2008

MWI, the Omniverse, multiverses and universes

I thought it rather useful how Wikipedia has laid out a system of MWI compliant cosmology, check it out on Wikipedia. This unique system is composed of an all encompassing "omniverse," many "multiverses" and innumerable "universes." Each multiverse consists of many complete and separate universes which contain the same physical laws and constants. That needn't mean that each universe be the same as its twin, the differences could be large or infinitesimally small. It would be odd, but the difference might be that twin universes were virtually identical, except for one being a a few seconds behind the other. A traveler from one twin universe would never know it they had visited the other, they might however notice a sensation we call deja vous. So this multiverse would essentially be a subset of arguably the largest concept we have named, that being the omniverse. The omniverse would contain all multiverses, all universes and within that sea of endless bubbles would be the entire spectrum of time. The Hindus, Buddhists as well as the Jains view the scale of time as being infinite and choose a measuring scale to reflect that endlessness. A "truti" lasts only 1/1,000,000th of a second, but one "mahamantavara" lasts as long as 311 trillion years. Hindu cosmology and time scales are based on the cycles of creation, decay, and destruction. It is important to remember to include this endless concept of time into our concepts of an MWI existence and its many ramifications. So it could be said that the "world of 5 minutes ago" exists not only in our universe (as the past) but in twin universes to our own, as both the present and the future.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Dreamland II.

Continued from Dreamland I.

I would like to discuss a related hypothesis. I must first draw a picture for you, a picture to be found within the realm of the very small. Imagine if you will the life of a single cell within your body. Where the cell is located and its function is not important (at least not for the sake of our picture.) What is of most concern to us at this time is the cell's perception, its world view so to speak. As a tiny conscious being, the cell can offer us some very odd observations.

1.) It would be most aware of the cells surrounding it.
2.) It might view itself as a vital member of a close-knit family, where it works together to produce effects shared by itself and its family.
There is no reason to believe that this cell or any other cell would understand its orientation or location within the whole body, in fact, it should not know that such a thing as a
3.) A group of like-minded or like-functioning cells would probably understand themselves in terms of their shared function.
4.)As an observer, the cell should have no idea that it is part of a larger whole, the human body. In fact, it should have no idea that the "body" exists at all!

As "human beings" we frequently ask the question, "Who am I?" Rarely do we ask "What am I?"
-C. Klinert Do we even consider the possibility that "we" exist as a part of a larger whole, that which is inescapable and yet virtually unknowable?

Let us propose for a moment that "we" are part of a larger whole, and that that larger whole is what we would traditionally call the "soul." The soul could also be called the mind. The mind is that unnamed observer, sitting hidden in dark. Try as we might, we cannot find them, we cannot dissect them to figure out how they work. This larger "mind" would be infinite, composed of every mind-version of oneself (that is to say a whole, composed of an infinite number of parts which are drops of consciousness, and inseparable from the whole) as a conglomerate of consciousness and being. Each "mind-unit" would be one with all the other mind-units, but partitioned off in such a way as to produce a workable individual consciousness. This "collective" mind would account for the random and chaotic nature of human behavior as well as the limitless potential of the human mind. How else can a finite being produce infinite possibilities? Every other finite thing we have encountered, has produced finite effects and possibilities, (even if the number of possibilities seems countless, it is not.) Their are very few people who would be naive enough to suggest that the human mind is finite, especially when they have seen the kinds of functions it can perform while dreaming.
Dreaming leads us to the concept that each mind could communicate on some level with the others. The random nature of dreams can haunt us, fill us with curiosity or even elate or frighten us to the point of tears.

It is time to consider the quantum nature of dreaming, as a real and tangible means of self communication, from one version of yourself to another version. If there are an infinite number of "you," or even a large number, how many of "you" are dreaming at the same time? How many are deep in thought? Would not these versions influence each other in unique and unpredictable ways? Lets us say that what ties them all together is a sense of focus, that which aims the collective power of consciousness into one particular world at a time. We could call this a lensing effect of sorts. If you focus on one world, you would experience that world. The mind has already been established to have certain cohesive and alterative properties, such that events and experiences which do not seem to make sense easily shift out and are replaced and repainted by new ones which more closely fit one's schema (or world view.)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Dreamland I.

The MWI [Many Worlds Interpretation] can be confusing, as it should be. I find it hard myself to resist the urge to "quantify" the never-ending string of world-lines into a knowable cosmos. In fact, the urge is sometimes so great that the only sane way out of the maze is to actually indulge my curiosity, momentarily. This is a great way to end a day, or battle the occasional bout of insomnia, (less neurotic than worrying away those spare minutes) before dozing off. Anyone familiar with the MWI has probably considered its ramifications. Recently I have begun to use clever little lies to help me imagine the immense magnitude of the ideas MWI offers us. I can hold in the back of my mind the idea that there are an infinite number of world-lines [possibly created and destroyed as each interaction [on a quantum level] takes place. I can keep the idea that I exist in a manifold existence such as a "superposition," and that everything that I do in this one world is simply one example of how that super-positional being acts and reacts to his environment. I cannot however; come to a functional understanding of how to apply that knowledge, how to understand infinity on a personal/spiritual level. The concept that I will use to explain this disparity is one of dimensionality. MWI does not imply [as I know it] many dimensions but rather many worlds within the same space. Dimensions [standard interpretation here] imply direction and perspective as seen with dimensions 1-3. The 4th dimension could be seen as time (duration), the 5th might be interpreted as a subset of the 6th being all possible worlds within our universe. Beyond the 5th dimension (a dimension of probability and chance) we would eventually discover other entire universes (with other initial conditions from our universe.) Each physical universe would again contain within the 5th dimension (from its own perspective) infinite versions of itself. Each copy would be slightly different from minute detail; differences in atomic charge or values, in some large shifts that would ensure that the life of that world would be short indeed, such as variances in the speed of light, or the lack of sufficient gravity. It could be said that anything that can be thought of (and all that cannot be thought of) exists and does not exist simultaneously within the whole omniverse! Omniverse is a term that I first heard used by Rob Bryanton [creator of "Imagining The Tenth Dimension." both a book and a website actually exist.] Imagining the tenth dimension shows us an amazing perspective and gives us tools to visualize (with out 4 dimensional mind) a many dimensional world which we may reside in, definately worth a read.

To Be Continued...

Friday, October 17, 2008

The Paradox of the Two Joes

I have been thinking about the concept of memories. They are these strange little invisible threads that hold together our view of our entire persona. Our whole life is woven of experiences (touched, tasted, smelled, heard and seen) This is somehow distilled into a data storage medium and kept in a vault in our brain somewhere, like [Steven King's "Dream Catcher" reference] a "memory warehouse." So these bits of data, how accurate are they as representations of actual events? Take even the simplest event, a birthday party, a fishing trip, or the viewing of a film, each one of these events will be dictated and translated into the data banks of our memory in unique ways. Emotions help to give them a rating of importance and where and how they are stored. somethings just seem to get lost in the shuffle.

If we are completely honest with ourselves, we will have to admit that not all the memories that we have are accurate. Processing errors do happen. Some events actually took place in a different set of conditions, time, weather, colors, people and participants might have been different. Some psychologists have theorized that people "paint" their memory into existence.

I would like to set up a scenario for you:

Imagine that a man named Joe is trying to remember his childhood. He has never had any problems with mental illness or mind-altering drug use, and he is healthy in every way. Joe is 27 years old, so his childhood is not too distant from his vantage point. Now imagine that in a parallel universe there exists another Joe, with slightly different memories (again this Joe has no mental illness, history of drug use and is perfectly healthy in every way.) We will call the first Joe [Joe 1] the second [Joe 2.]

At the precise time that Joe 1 tries to recall his childhood an event occurs, (we will just call it a quantum event or quantum shift.) This event causes Joe 2 to be swapped with Joe 1. (or possibly Joe 1's mind with that of Joe 2. The memories of Joe 1 transferred into Joe 2 and vice versa.)

A few questions:

1.) Does Joe 1 or 2 know that the switch has occured? If so, how?
2.) Does anoyone else notice? If so, how?

In all actuallity this event could happen to any one of us, and if it did, by some querk of physics, how would we know it? Would not our only measure of the shift be lost by the act of shifting? Memories might linger, thoughts might haunt the Joes for some time, but which would ever be able to truly discern what had happened?

I order to further explore this paradox one must have an understanding of the Multiple Worlds Interpretation of Quantum mechanics. The Everett/Wheeler model.

My point is this... How sure are you that the world you lived in today was that same world [or world-line] you lived in yesterday? How sure are you of the accuracy of your memories? And if we travle between similar but different worlds, how can any of us really know where we started?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Quantum Mind Theory and Quantum Computers

Ever wonder why the human brain doesn't work the same way your computer does? When you feed information (data) into a computer it might store it as a file, calculate using the new data or perform any number of unique functions using this new information. A computer like Belle, Deep Blue or Hydra that can "play" chess might seem very intelligent, but they're really not. A computer can do just what its name implies, "compute." What this means is that a computer can only work with the data that is fed into it, and only within the specific parameters that are programmed into its code. You will not get "original" ideas to come out of a computer, unless your computer is fed in those ideas or the patterns to generate them. This is one of the most frustrating issues being battled in artificial intelligence (A.I.) research today. So lately, scientists have been peering into the mechanics of human intelligence. There is even a branch of study in the field of quantum mechanics that deals with this question, its called Quantum Mind Theory. Researchers like psychologist Roger Penrose have been asking this same question for years, in an attempt to find out how the human brain works. The theory (although still in its infancy) does help to explain the incongruity between classical models of cognition and actual human behavior. A computer works much more in line with Newtonian or classical laws of Physics, while the human brain appears to be following a separate set of laws. A human brain can generate data that was not fed in, and does not have to follow programmed parameters, in fact, very little appears to be programmed into human cognition. A human brain can be fed stimuli and respond with any number of logical or illogical responses. Psychology has always wondered about the inherent random nature of human cognition and behavior. Assigning complex, and lengthy explanations for each new phenomena has been a strategy of psychologists for the past few centuries, but has not taken us any closer to a workable understanding of how the human brain works. If the human mind truly worked like a computer, then classical conditioning would be 100% effective and creativity (imagination, art, literature) would not exist.

So what are these other laws? Quantum Physics offers us a unique view of the human brain and its function, it may indicate that the human mind actually works by using quantum functions to process stimuli and produce behavior. Quantum functions would give us the ability to work with data and produce unique and possibly random results. In order for human beings to behave in a civilized or even functional manner, the use of linear logic would also be needed. Linear logic is the kind most closely associated with classical or Newtonian physics, the natural laws which appear to govern our world. Non-linear logic appears to be more random and chaotic and is associated with quantum physics and chaos theory. Both Linear and non-linear logic would then play a part in how the human mind functions on a day to day basis. Without linear logic we would be a very short-lived species, without non-linear logic, we would be a very boring one.

If we can build a quantum computer, that works like our own brain does, we will begin a new era of technology and dreams of artificial intelligence will become a living breathing reality. Quantum computing has actually already begun (on an atomic scale.) Researchers have devised a system for computing based on the manipulation of atoms, seven to be exact. Tests using this tiny computer have yielded some interesting results, the quantum computer indicated that [2 + 2 = 4.] This might sound like a waste of time, buts its really the first step in manipulating larger more complex groups of atoms, which will eventually surpass traditional computers. Once this occurs the development of a large scale quantum computer will be just a few steps away.

Scientists are eager to develop a quantum computer (QC) for many reasons. QC's will use what is called qubits to process information much like modern computers use bits and bytes. Qubits have essentially two different states (up or down.) It depends on the observer present as to which state the qubit will be found in. QC's will be able to outperform traditional computers (exponentially.) This means that today's most advanced supercomputers or even "clusters" will look like the ENIAC of the 1960's when compared to QC! You may recall that early computers were large and heavy, requiring lots of electricity and operators to use them. NASA estimates that the computing power (at the time of the moon landing) was roughly the equivalent of a scientific calculator such as a TI-83. According to nanotechnology experts, computers utilizing nanocircuitry and quantum technology will be extremely small, (on the molecular scale) and will be infinitely more complex than the computers of today. A leading researcher from Oklahoma State University once remarked, "A nano-scale computer the size of a human fist could one day run the entire electrical grid for New York City."

Current advances in existing computer processors have now produced devices like the "SEAforth 40C18" processor made by Intellasys International Corp. This chip has 40 cores, each runs like a separate but equal CPU with its own ROM and RAM, operates up to 240 times faster and uses 28 times less electricity than its competitors. This example helps to illustrate how quickly technology is approaching the point by which Moore's Law will no longer be a valid predictor of technological progress. (Moore's Law says that technology 'primarily computing technology' will continue to double in processing capability, speed and complexity, roughly every two years.) It has been estimated that 2010 will be the hallmark year where Moore's Law becomes temporarily inaccurate. We do not yet know the rate of technological advancement a society could expect to see, when fully implementing nanotechnology. [One night draw a correlation to the advancements of the modern era upon preindustrial people of island origin.]

For more information about Quantum Mind Theory read the following books:

The Emperor's New Mind: Concerning Computers, Minds, and the Laws of Physics (1991)
Author: Roger Penrose

Society Of Mind
Author: Marvin Minsky

Digital People: From Bionic Humans To Androids
Author: Sidney Perkowitz

Thursday, September 25, 2008

LHC coolant leakage incident

CERN- The Large Hadron Collider had to be temporarily shut down (early) due to a coolant leak. It was soon to be shut down and winterized anyhow, so this is only a minor setback. The failure was caused by a ton of liquid helium leaking interior, into the tunnel-ring, which in turn caused the surrounding magnets to overheat by at least 100 degrees. The LHC has to be kept extremely cold: 1.9 kelvin, -271C, -456F. It is unclear if testing may resume for a brief period (after this weekend) or later in spring. Please check out the BBC press release or watch their video linked here on my blog.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What exactly is a Quantum?

What does the word Quantum mean? The term quantum was coined by Andre-Marie Ampere (1822,) and was later adopted by Albert Einstein, to describe the wavelike-particle nature of light. He employed a variation of the word "quanta" (now called photons) to describe these wave-particles of light. Lewis De Bruglie (1924,) later described the movement of subatomic particles similarly, characterizing them as also being wavelike in nature. Werner Heisenberg added his "uncertainty principle" and the world of modern quantum mechanics was beginning to take shape.
Quantum mechanics (defined by Wikipedia) is "the study of mechanical systems whose dimensions are close to the atomic scale, molecules, atoms, electrons and other subatomic particles." Research in this field is now heavily concentrated on more minute "quanta" (now used as the plural of quantum) is known to be the smallest indivisible particle, the equivalent quantity with the same units as the Planck constant: related to fermions, bosons and photons.
Quantum theory is most valuable, because it accurately describes and predicts the mechanics and dynamics of minute scale particles. It actually works! Unlike other theories, Newtonian physics breaks down (hopelessly) at the particle level. It has been theorized that if Newtonian physics were active in quantum scale, the universe as we know it could collapse into a jumbled mess of super compact atoms and electrons. Matter would cease to exist in an orderly format.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Different Initial Conditions

So lately I've been toying around with the idea of different initial conditions and their outcomes. Initial conditions are those conditions that existed just prior to and during the formation of a universe. The laws which will govern physics, chemistry and all motion are written based on these initial conditions. Here's the interesting part: if quantum theory is correct, then initial conditions should vary greatly, in fact infinitely! This should be the mechanism for the manifestation of a never ending set of different universes., each following its own rules and each bound by its (possibly random) set of initial conditions. All possible initial conditions are played out into manifestation, and nothing is without possibility. [These two last items are part of how quantum theory works. "Every possible action event or thing is manifest, and everything is possible."]
That means that different initial conditions would produce different math, logic and science. Consider the almost absurd proposition that there exists a world were [1+1 does not =2,] in fact there is no "1" and there is no "2." It's not that the linguistic representation for the universal concept "1 or 2," would be missing, but that the actual universal concept for those numbers would simply not exist. This seems very counter intuitive but again, quantum theory is very explicit about this, "There is only one rule. There are no rules!" So if that seems preposterous, consider our very own concept of the number zero (0). The following logic may help us to understand what that "zero" may be hinting at. [0 + 0 = 0, 0 - 0 = 0, 0 / 0 = 0, 0 x 0 = 0] Perhaps an oversimplification, but with a touch of madness, we may begin to see the possibility that other math systems could actually exist if the rules for that universe were not the same as our own. Some systems should inherently be highly chaotic and short-lived. Some would never even possess the potential for matter to manifest (at least in a similar way as it does in our own universe.) Other universes could be vastly more organized, with laws that make our own seem rudimentary and primitive. To such complex beings we might be the analogue of Edwin Abbott's flatlanders. (Flatland, 1884) It has been postulated that super-strings or perhaps other even more mysterious objects vibrating in the 10th dimension (see Rob Bryanton's film "Imagining the Tenth Dimension" for further information on this concept) could be the cause of the formation of these initial conditions. Some might say that a pan-dimensional being (similar to the God of Kabbalists, Christians or other religious groups) uttered them into being, as is the theme for Genesis 1:1. The Hindu's believe that Brahma in the form of Spanda Shakti radiates all manifestations within our cosmos, effortlessly by her very nature. Whatever the cause(s) may be, it remains a fascinating idea that these initial conditions can have such a permanent and profound affect upon the universe that they become a part of. The film "Stardust" does an excellent job illustrating just a few of the above points. Its setting is (at least partially) influenced by contemporary quantum physics and the concept of different initial conditions. In this film we see some different laws at play and there is most certainly the concept that this world is contained not within another dimension, realm or faraway planet but within a parallel universe, linked to our own and hidden within plain sight. The works of C.L. Dodgson (Lewis Carroll) "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland " (1865) and "Through the Looking-Glass," (1871) provide us with a view into a world were our laws are curiously twisted or altogether backward. A further look will reveal Carroll's near obsession with strange mathematics and non-linear logic. The short-story "Mimsy were the Borogoves," (1943) by Lewis Padgett (husband and wife sci- fi writing team Henry Kuttner and C.L. Moore,) further expounds Carroll's strange logic into a bizarre sci-fi legend, filled with "X-logic" and odd beings from another world. This was recently made into a children's film "The Last Mimzy."
If we are to dismiss the idea of the existence of such strange places , we might consider the possibility that others may just as easily dismiss the existence of our own world. Remember this is all about possibility, and possibility (quite logically) has no bounds!

Illustration by: John Tenniel, (1863.)

Monday, September 15, 2008


CERN- So now that we know the thing works properly, there will be quite a few more experiments left to do. I will post more later on this topic as the news unfolds.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Hindu Cosmology


-This is a great, older video, narrated by the late great Carl Sagan!

- Please feel free to comment on the video or about cosmology (Hindu or otherwise.)

Unfortunatly you have to type or paste the above link directly into your web browser, haven't quite got this blog linking down just yet.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Me "Version 2.0"

The "Many Worlds Interpretation" (MWI) -AKA [Everrett-Wheeler-Graham Model] states: [very loose translation here] that due to the quantum nature of the universe(s) we reside in, every possible outcome or event occurs with all possible particles at some given point in space and time. So in other words, somewhere out there, lies all possible worlds, beings, and things, simultaneously engaged in all manner of interactions, extending into infinity. This interpretation implies that there are an infinite number of "Earths" all slightly different. [The differences could quite significant (some Earths would be uninhabited) or quite subtle (one atom in one cell of one tree has a slightly more positive charge, for the moment.)

Please read the Blog entitled, "The Measurement Problem" for more details for how this set of theories were formed.

This model assumes that the universe is either infinite or part of an infinite number of other universes (like a sea of bubbles.)

This model accurately accounts for the laws of quantum mechanics and presents a cohesive vision for us to grasp.

I find this model offers so many questions to ponder, (once of course it beins to truly "sink in.")

-"What is the true nature of the individual?" ("Is it a world-line version?" "Is it a selectivly conscious collective?)

-"What can be said about the ultimate nature of the universe we live in?" "Is it infinite? Does it exist with other infinite universes in a some kind of superverse, multiverse or megaverse? Is it all simply a matter of semantics? (I doubt it is.)

-"What is our role as individuals?" "Is it to play our role here in this particular 'world-line' to the best of our ability? "Ultimatly, what matters more, the entire sum of versions of self, or the individual self?"

-"Does this mean that evil and good have just become even more relative?" "Do 'good' acts here balance 'evil' acts elsewhere and elsewhen?" "What is the kharma of a being that is manifest in an infinite number of interconected systems, interacting in an infinite number of ways with other beings and itself?"

-"When does death really occur?" "Is it when all worldline versions of yourself die?" "Do you transfer your consciousness directly to another version of yourself upon death in any one world-line?" "Is death even possible in the MWI?"

-"What would be the net gain, loss from any one action in such a system?"

-One must also realize that "you" are simply one version of "yourself." All the other versions' lives are just as REAL and just as noteworthy.

- One definition of 'Quantum Perspective' : (means to me) viewing oneself as an "other" version of oneself. -We are just one version of an endless stream of versions.

For more reading:




CERN [LHC] Big Day! 09.10.08

CERN (Geneva, Switzerland) will run a beam through their Large Hadron Collider (LHC) on September 10th 2008. Full coverage during event will be available on satalite links. US observers will be watching on 09.09.08 (read press release and links for details

CERN [LHC] The Big Day

CERN (Geneva, Switzerland) will be turning on their most advanced partical collider, their "Large Hadron Collider [LHC] on September 10th 2008. (September 9th here in the US.) Full coverage of the event will be available on several satilite links.