Thursday, September 25, 2008

LHC coolant leakage incident

CERN- The Large Hadron Collider had to be temporarily shut down (early) due to a coolant leak. It was soon to be shut down and winterized anyhow, so this is only a minor setback. The failure was caused by a ton of liquid helium leaking interior, into the tunnel-ring, which in turn caused the surrounding magnets to overheat by at least 100 degrees. The LHC has to be kept extremely cold: 1.9 kelvin, -271C, -456F. It is unclear if testing may resume for a brief period (after this weekend) or later in spring. Please check out the BBC press release or watch their video linked here on my blog.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What exactly is a Quantum?

What does the word Quantum mean? The term quantum was coined by Andre-Marie Ampere (1822,) and was later adopted by Albert Einstein, to describe the wavelike-particle nature of light. He employed a variation of the word "quanta" (now called photons) to describe these wave-particles of light. Lewis De Bruglie (1924,) later described the movement of subatomic particles similarly, characterizing them as also being wavelike in nature. Werner Heisenberg added his "uncertainty principle" and the world of modern quantum mechanics was beginning to take shape.
Quantum mechanics (defined by Wikipedia) is "the study of mechanical systems whose dimensions are close to the atomic scale, molecules, atoms, electrons and other subatomic particles." Research in this field is now heavily concentrated on more minute "quanta" (now used as the plural of quantum) is known to be the smallest indivisible particle, the equivalent quantity with the same units as the Planck constant: related to fermions, bosons and photons.
Quantum theory is most valuable, because it accurately describes and predicts the mechanics and dynamics of minute scale particles. It actually works! Unlike other theories, Newtonian physics breaks down (hopelessly) at the particle level. It has been theorized that if Newtonian physics were active in quantum scale, the universe as we know it could collapse into a jumbled mess of super compact atoms and electrons. Matter would cease to exist in an orderly format.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Different Initial Conditions

So lately I've been toying around with the idea of different initial conditions and their outcomes. Initial conditions are those conditions that existed just prior to and during the formation of a universe. The laws which will govern physics, chemistry and all motion are written based on these initial conditions. Here's the interesting part: if quantum theory is correct, then initial conditions should vary greatly, in fact infinitely! This should be the mechanism for the manifestation of a never ending set of different universes., each following its own rules and each bound by its (possibly random) set of initial conditions. All possible initial conditions are played out into manifestation, and nothing is without possibility. [These two last items are part of how quantum theory works. "Every possible action event or thing is manifest, and everything is possible."]
That means that different initial conditions would produce different math, logic and science. Consider the almost absurd proposition that there exists a world were [1+1 does not =2,] in fact there is no "1" and there is no "2." It's not that the linguistic representation for the universal concept "1 or 2," would be missing, but that the actual universal concept for those numbers would simply not exist. This seems very counter intuitive but again, quantum theory is very explicit about this, "There is only one rule. There are no rules!" So if that seems preposterous, consider our very own concept of the number zero (0). The following logic may help us to understand what that "zero" may be hinting at. [0 + 0 = 0, 0 - 0 = 0, 0 / 0 = 0, 0 x 0 = 0] Perhaps an oversimplification, but with a touch of madness, we may begin to see the possibility that other math systems could actually exist if the rules for that universe were not the same as our own. Some systems should inherently be highly chaotic and short-lived. Some would never even possess the potential for matter to manifest (at least in a similar way as it does in our own universe.) Other universes could be vastly more organized, with laws that make our own seem rudimentary and primitive. To such complex beings we might be the analogue of Edwin Abbott's flatlanders. (Flatland, 1884) It has been postulated that super-strings or perhaps other even more mysterious objects vibrating in the 10th dimension (see Rob Bryanton's film "Imagining the Tenth Dimension" for further information on this concept) could be the cause of the formation of these initial conditions. Some might say that a pan-dimensional being (similar to the God of Kabbalists, Christians or other religious groups) uttered them into being, as is the theme for Genesis 1:1. The Hindu's believe that Brahma in the form of Spanda Shakti radiates all manifestations within our cosmos, effortlessly by her very nature. Whatever the cause(s) may be, it remains a fascinating idea that these initial conditions can have such a permanent and profound affect upon the universe that they become a part of. The film "Stardust" does an excellent job illustrating just a few of the above points. Its setting is (at least partially) influenced by contemporary quantum physics and the concept of different initial conditions. In this film we see some different laws at play and there is most certainly the concept that this world is contained not within another dimension, realm or faraway planet but within a parallel universe, linked to our own and hidden within plain sight. The works of C.L. Dodgson (Lewis Carroll) "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland " (1865) and "Through the Looking-Glass," (1871) provide us with a view into a world were our laws are curiously twisted or altogether backward. A further look will reveal Carroll's near obsession with strange mathematics and non-linear logic. The short-story "Mimsy were the Borogoves," (1943) by Lewis Padgett (husband and wife sci- fi writing team Henry Kuttner and C.L. Moore,) further expounds Carroll's strange logic into a bizarre sci-fi legend, filled with "X-logic" and odd beings from another world. This was recently made into a children's film "The Last Mimzy."
If we are to dismiss the idea of the existence of such strange places , we might consider the possibility that others may just as easily dismiss the existence of our own world. Remember this is all about possibility, and possibility (quite logically) has no bounds!

Illustration by: John Tenniel, (1863.)

Monday, September 15, 2008


CERN- So now that we know the thing works properly, there will be quite a few more experiments left to do. I will post more later on this topic as the news unfolds.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Hindu Cosmology


-This is a great, older video, narrated by the late great Carl Sagan!

- Please feel free to comment on the video or about cosmology (Hindu or otherwise.)

Unfortunatly you have to type or paste the above link directly into your web browser, haven't quite got this blog linking down just yet.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Me "Version 2.0"

The "Many Worlds Interpretation" (MWI) -AKA [Everrett-Wheeler-Graham Model] states: [very loose translation here] that due to the quantum nature of the universe(s) we reside in, every possible outcome or event occurs with all possible particles at some given point in space and time. So in other words, somewhere out there, lies all possible worlds, beings, and things, simultaneously engaged in all manner of interactions, extending into infinity. This interpretation implies that there are an infinite number of "Earths" all slightly different. [The differences could quite significant (some Earths would be uninhabited) or quite subtle (one atom in one cell of one tree has a slightly more positive charge, for the moment.)

Please read the Blog entitled, "The Measurement Problem" for more details for how this set of theories were formed.

This model assumes that the universe is either infinite or part of an infinite number of other universes (like a sea of bubbles.)

This model accurately accounts for the laws of quantum mechanics and presents a cohesive vision for us to grasp.

I find this model offers so many questions to ponder, (once of course it beins to truly "sink in.")

-"What is the true nature of the individual?" ("Is it a world-line version?" "Is it a selectivly conscious collective?)

-"What can be said about the ultimate nature of the universe we live in?" "Is it infinite? Does it exist with other infinite universes in a some kind of superverse, multiverse or megaverse? Is it all simply a matter of semantics? (I doubt it is.)

-"What is our role as individuals?" "Is it to play our role here in this particular 'world-line' to the best of our ability? "Ultimatly, what matters more, the entire sum of versions of self, or the individual self?"

-"Does this mean that evil and good have just become even more relative?" "Do 'good' acts here balance 'evil' acts elsewhere and elsewhen?" "What is the kharma of a being that is manifest in an infinite number of interconected systems, interacting in an infinite number of ways with other beings and itself?"

-"When does death really occur?" "Is it when all worldline versions of yourself die?" "Do you transfer your consciousness directly to another version of yourself upon death in any one world-line?" "Is death even possible in the MWI?"

-"What would be the net gain, loss from any one action in such a system?"

-One must also realize that "you" are simply one version of "yourself." All the other versions' lives are just as REAL and just as noteworthy.

- One definition of 'Quantum Perspective' : (means to me) viewing oneself as an "other" version of oneself. -We are just one version of an endless stream of versions.

For more reading:




CERN [LHC] Big Day! 09.10.08

CERN (Geneva, Switzerland) will run a beam through their Large Hadron Collider (LHC) on September 10th 2008. Full coverage during event will be available on satalite links. US observers will be watching on 09.09.08 (read press release and links for details

CERN [LHC] The Big Day

CERN (Geneva, Switzerland) will be turning on their most advanced partical collider, their "Large Hadron Collider [LHC] on September 10th 2008. (September 9th here in the US.) Full coverage of the event will be available on several satilite links.